A Republic of Heaven on Earth

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A Republic of Heaven on Earth

Getting back into the habit of free writing.

The need to get things out of my head and communicate.

List out tasks and actions into textual instructions:

  • The world as yours to be encoded.
  • Structure communications so that others follow the flow.
  • Keep the signals and messages that you might copy and remake them.
  • Add the elements into exobrains so to go back to them and reuse.
  • Find the ability to encode all the instructions and communications so that everyone can interoperate.
  • Be the seer, light-finder, energy-conductor.
  • Train yourself to set each warm context.
  • Understand patterns of language and concepts that create the right settings and Human APIs.
  • Recognize the cognitive and emotional patterns of groups.
  • Draw out the symbols and the semantics of group dynamics.
  • Be able to offer the right incantation and ritual in each and every moment.
  • Set in place the rhythms and routines that enable different phases.
  • We as individuals can cohere into different states of matter.

The entities and objects which we give consciousness to by imbuing in them a set of data points and response architectures that enable them to act as benevolent intermediaries, waypoints along the way to greater coordination, can allow for these different equilibria to be maintained.

The incentives and directions that can point us in certain directions — the rhythms and routines that can take an individual and flow their epigenetic frequencies onto a different path are well known.

The wanderers in us all can experience this phase change, the ultimate expression of humanity to be part of the great cycle of changes, and to flow and experience that from all the different perspectives of humanity, being and becoming this greater whole.

The ability to flow as part of the greater whole, recognizing the patterns of interoperability and connection — the song, the sport, the hearth, the story, the smile, the open hand, the bow, the warm embrace, the hands together, the respect, the honoring of homeland, the awareness of mana, the sharing of food, and the laugh, the joy, the sharing of life and space and time — these creations of soul that stretch across borders and boundaries can infuse each of our systems of interaction and engagement.

The responsibilities can go deeper to principles of being and becoming, the prohibitions against taking life, hewing to the human rights universally declared that can still create the ecologies of evolved human beings and becomings that harmony promises: A Republic of Heaven on Earth.